Thursday, September 16, 2010

СУИС-ийн багш Чаминчулуунд

101 тоот

                                      СОЁЛ УРЛАГИЙН ИХ СУРГУУЛИЙН 
                    БАГШ Л.ЧАМИНЧУЛУУН ТАНАА

Тус номын сангаас 2010 оны 09 дүгээр сарын 08-наас 15-ны хооронд буюу 7 хоногийн хугацаатайгаар төлбөргүй авч ашигласан 4 номоо нэг хоног хэтрүүлэн номын санд буцаасан нь  үйлчилгээний журмын дагуу ном тус бүрд 1000 төгрөг, нийт 4000 төгрөгийн  зөрчлийн хураамж тооцогдож, төлөгдөх болсон.
Энэ удаад таныг хүндэтгэн зөрчлийн хураамжаас чөлөөлж, мөн танаар уламжлан нийт соёл урлагийн салбарын ажиллагсдыг Хотын нийтийн номын сангаар тавтай үйлчлүүлж, үйлчилгээний журмыг хүндэтгэн биелүүлэхийг хүсье.
          Цаашид бид номын сангийн гэрээр ном олгох үйлчилгээг төлбөргүй болгож, харин хугацаа хэтэрч номоо буцаасан тохиолдолд зөрчлийн хураамжийг төлүүлж байх журмыг хатуу тогтоож байгааг анхаарна уу.

ЗАХИРАЛ                Т.МИЖИДДОРЖ

АНУ-ын Элчин сайдын яаманд

100 тоот



The Ulaanbaatar Public Library (UPL), setup in 1980, is one of the major cultural, information and educational organizations of the capital city.
The library has a staff of 80 people and through 4 branches and 3 sections it conducts diverse activities to meet the needs of city residents in information, provides different types of bibliographical services.
For the level of international standards being reached, UPL cooperates with a number of Mongolian foreign and international organizations while implementing projects aimed at turning the library into the point of open information source for all the city residents using advanced information technologies, improving the inquiry services, introducing innovative experiences of similar libraries in other countries and increasing the knowledge of the libraries.
As and evidence of the above-mentioned activities, since 1994 the library has been organizing in cooperation with the Public Relations Section of the US Embassy, varied cultural and information events for disseminating information about the USA and helps the visitors to improve their knowledge of English.
Since 2004 these activities have acquired a broader scale as the American Culture & Information Center was opened in the library and the Ulaanbaatar residents have got a nice opportunity to know more about America, and in a fuller scale.
The UPL personnel had a brilliant opportunity to visit US libraries and exchange experiences through the international Visitor Program, organized by the US State Department in 1995 and 2005. Thanks to these training trips, new services were introduces like the automation of the library services, moved into open stack service environment, and Center of DAISY Talking books for the persons with visual disabilities, free internet for readers and other progressive initiatives. The approval of our project “Establishment of DAISY Talking Books Center” by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in April 2010 is also a vivid to the public libraries in the United States.
We are happy to inform that Mr. Begzsuren Jamsranjav, an IT manager of the library, has been chosen by U.S. Embassy’s Public Relations Section, for visiting the Maryland State Library for the Blind & Physically Handicapped and Enoch Pratt Free Library for 2 weeks (October 4 to 15, 2010).
Based on above, we would like to kindly ask you on providing visa to Mr. Begzsuren.
Thank you very much for cooperation.


Director, UPL